Friday, June 19, 2015

Mental Blocks

  I get a lot of comments on my YouTube about mental block problems, self taught and non-self taught gymnasts alike. 
   I've decided it would be so easy just to write a blog post about it and send them to the same answer ever time. 
  Here is the plain and simple truth about mental blocks. They're horrible!!!
  Everybody hates them, everybody wants to overcome them, the problem is you can't just tell someone to overcome their mental blocks, they have to do it themselves. 
 Before we get to overwhelmed, I'll explain a mental block.
You're outside, and you want to do a handstand. You get ready in your stance, and you're about to go for it when suddenly you have a sudden clench in your gut and you think, "What if I get hurt? What if I land on my head and get paralyzed?! Forget it, I'm not doing it." But you still really want to do a handstand!!! You really don't want to give up but you can't think of any other way to do it without getting hurt.
1.     Watch YouTube videos.
2.     Get a spotter. (Somebody to grab your legs and help you if you fall.)

Don't do any skill that you're not comfortable with. I know it's hard but courage will come with time. It came for me and it will come for you. Just relax and remember that you're not the only one going through a mental block, everybody goes through them, not just you. 
  It sounds cheesy, but in all honesty you have to believe that you can do it and when you feel comfortable JUST DO IT!
Watching YouTube videos was/is the best medicine for me. 
  If you have anymore questions then just email me at
Thanks, bye!
